Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Special Issue Theme: Establishing Meaningful Goals for Instructional Practice: A Discussion of Educational Goals and Their Value for Describing Learning for Effective Citizenship in the Modern World.

Editor:   Stephen K. Lafer

                University of Nevada- Reno, USA

Research in Educational Policy and Management (REPAM / is an international, open access and peer-reviewed journal. This special issue will focus on the goals that educators should be working to achieve and the discussion of viable outcomes for successful efforts to improve schools, school systems, and educational policy and practices in general.  As such, these goals can serve as a guide the kinds of research that should be and, to, tot, worthy of consideration when scholars and teachers read research to determine how they should apply what the research suggests. The goals we decide to be best can be used to guide the development of future articles for the journal

Papers for this issue will be accept for their relevance to the goal of establishing viable outcomes for schools and instructional practice that can be justified in terms of how they enhance the lives of students and prepare them for life as citizens of the world.  The papers can propose goals and offer justification for them through presentation of good evidence and proper reasoning.  They can assess in place goals that the writer understands to be good ones or critiques of goals that should be abandoned because they do not serve well students or society. 

Too, the historical roots and political motivation for educational goals in societies are worth of deep exploration as well as critiques of goals such as those by members of school boards in the United States who have often rejected proposals for goals and companion curricula that contain elements that some, sometimes a relative few, find to be against their patriotic and religion inspired notions of what constitutes proper education.   

 The discussion that is the intended purpose of this edition requires think pieces rather than reports.  Papers will be accepted for the goodness of the description of goals considered, the quality of analysis of goals discussed in regard to their value for the good society and positive growth of individuals as individuals and citizens of their societies and citizens of the world.

 Papers length: Around eight pages, bibliography not included.

 Author guidelines  to prepare your manuscript: Please refer to  

 Publication fee information:  Articles published in this Special Issue are exempt from the Article Processing Charge. The submission, assessment and publication of the articles will be totally free of charge.

 Timeline: Papers must be submitted to Dr. Stephen Lafer via email at by August 31, 2021.   Publication: December 1, 2021.  

Important note: Due to a technical problem, the data on proposals sent by email to Dr. Stephen Lafer before 20 June 2021 has been lost. We strongly urge those submitting proposals before 20 June 2021 to contact Dr. Stephen Lafer at