The Research in Educational Policy and Management (REPAM) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly online journal. REPAM welcomes any research papers on issues such as educational policy, management and leadership in education, research and evaluation, the racial and economic achievement gap in education reform, leadership in social-change organizations, entrepreneurship in education, and the use of data to improve teaching and learning, curricular reform in P–20.
Title Research in Educational Policy and Management.
General features International, online, open access and peer-reviewed academic journal.
E-ISSN 2691-0667
DOI prefix 10.46303
Frequency 2 issues per year.
Co-Editors-in-Chief Stephen K. Lafer
Bulent Tarman
REPAM is now indexed in DOAJ and EBSCO H. W. Wilson Education Full Text Database
We are pleased to announce that the Research in Educational Policy and Management (REPAM) was accepted in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and H. W. Wilson Education Full Text Database.
DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. To know more about DOAJ please visit the website:
EBSCO H. W. Wilson Education Full-Text Database includes rigorous curation and indexing of scholarly journals in education, and is accepted as a field index by UAK in Turkey. After successfully passing the double blind reviewing process in our journal, you can add your articles to your resume for academic promotion, academic incentives, and associate professorship applications in Turkey. To see the coverage list, please visit the website at