The literature indicates that instructional leadership, led by the school principal, substantially enhances instructional practices and learner performance. The application of instructional leadership to improve performance in key subjects, such as literacy, has become an important topic of discussion in research. This study aimed to analyse the influence of principal classroom supervision on literacy instruction, utilising the instructional leadership theory as a theoretical lens. The researcher adopted a qualitative desktop study approach, which involved gathering information and data from existing sources. The main tenets associated with the supervision of instruction were investigated. It further observed the influence and examined the impact of principal classroom supervision on instruction, predominantly in Grades 4-6. The findings revealed that principals have a crucial role to play, but that shared leadership approaches for improved literacy instruction are essential. The findings also showed that the supervision process is comprehensive and challenging, requiring careful planning and engagement. These findings imply that the supervision of instruction should receive more attention and intervention from all relevant educational stakeholders.

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