Special Issue Theme: Re-imagining teaching and learning in the context of current crises: COVID-19, and public health and economic instability and inequities.
Guest Editors:
Chrystal S. Johnson (johnsocs@purdue.edu)
Jennifer Sdunzik (jsdunzik@purdue.edu)
College of Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States.
Teaching and teacher professional development have been greatly impacted by the crises associated with COVID-19—public health and economic instability. These twin crises uncovered existing societal inequities and economic injustices. As it pertains to education, times of crises lay bare and reinforce seemingly insurmountable boundaries and discrepancies, inequities and access to information and learning spaces. A convergence of stressors such as remote learning and engagement, a decline in student outcomes, a highly charged political environment, racial and cultural inequities, and COVID-19 fatigue, have generated mental and physical exhaustion – for students, parents, teachers, and policymakers alike. These stressors sparked contemplations on what the “new normal” of teaching, learning, and professional development may look like post-pandemic. Stakeholders cannot retreat during times of crises. Rather, all stakeholders should adapt and transform their philosophical stances, policy positions, and pedagogies. This call seeks to galvanize (re-)imaginations and reflections on teaching, teacher professional development, and educational policies during times of crises. Specifically, we seek manuscripts that articulate ways and approaches that reimagine educational spaces and learning, the influence of gender, race, and social issues, the inclusion of civic values in teaching, teacher professional development, and educational policies. We focus not only on the classroom practices of teachers and their pre-professional and professional development experiences, but also on the numerous impacts of educational policies on teaching and teacher professional development during times of crises.
Manuscript topics may include:
- Re-imagining learning spaces to enhance inclusivity
- Gender, racial, and social influences on re-imagined learning spaces
- The influence of these re-imagined learning spaces on civic values
- Reimagined teaching methods
- Impact of societal inequities on student performance and educational policies
- Re-imagining curricula
- Crises teaching toolkits and practices
- Reflections on how these twin crises impacted your teaching, research on teacher professional development, and the articulation of educational policies
How to propose a manuscript
We request that interested scholars submit a 500-word summary for a manuscript of 3000-6000 words. The summary should describe how the manuscript will address one or more of the framing topics. Descriptions of empirical research should include the theoretical framework, methods, findings, and implications. Theoretically based research should include descriptions of the framework and concepts that underpin the research and the equivalent of methods and findings which are relevant to that genre of scholarship. Please email your submission (summary) to johnsocs@purdue.edu
We anticipate including 6-8 manuscript summaries. If accepted, fully developed manuscripts should be submitted through Journal’s online submission system at https://repamjournal.org/index.php/REPAM/about/submissions
For more information about Research in Educational Policy and Management, and manuscript preparation, peer-review and publication process, please see Journal’s Author Guidelines at https://repamjournal.org/index.php/REPAM/author-guidelines
This special issue will be published free of charge. Contributing authors will not be asked to pay a publication fee. Accepted manuscripts will be published open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) at https://repamjournal.org
Summary submission deadline: Apri 7, 2022 (by email)
Full-text manuscript submission deadline: May 20, 2022 (through Journal’s online submission system)
Publication: June 30, 2022