University stakeholders are a united entity; whenever one party does not hold up their end of the deal, it eventually becomes a challenge for all the stakeholders. In this case, universities that are struggling to retain lecturers pose a challenge to the universities’ goodwill. Accordingly, this study examines factors influencing lecturers’ retention in a South African university, and the guidelines for the universities to enhance lecturer retention policies are investigated. Herzberg’s two-factor theory was adopted as the theoretical framework for the study. The qualitative research approach was adopted within the Transformative paradigm using Participatory case study as a research design. A total of 14 participants were selected using a purposive sampling method amongst a pool of university stakeholders. As a result, semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the data was analysed using thematic analysis. The study found that less promotional opportunities and less recognition are factors influencing lecturers’ retention in a South African university. In addition, flexible work arrangements together with the promotion of teamwork, were suggested as guidelines for universities to enhance lecturer retention. Therefore, promoting deserving lecturers, counteroffers, recognising hard-working lecturers, flexible work schedules and promoting teamwork are the recommendations to transform retention problems in universities.

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